Thursday, April 15, 2010

Shell drawing reflection.

My Goal:
To create a shell drawing that describes the 3D shape and textures found on the shell when viewing in person, and to accompany that with a degree of expression that brings it to life.

My Execution:
I fell I'm getting there, but I need a better mastery of the ink to get the full effect. The base sketch of the shell was, I felt, the best cross contour I've done yet...but the ink kind of smothered the base drawing and lost some of its form within. I need to plan out more breaks in the drawing to give it time to dry before I work again as well.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Review for last week...

Well as we start the week of April 12, might as well make a post about the previous week.

First we did the shell with ink, which was a completely new endeavor for me since I generally shy away from media that is tougher to control. While I can't put a picture up just yet, it definitely ended up being uber-black and lost some of the details. Now I know a good artist could probably explain his way out of it, but bottom line is...I need more practice.

Then we got into the shoulders and arms, which for me are the most fun. I generally like drawing the head and upper torso the most on a figure, because that's where the majority of the decoration goes. It's not like I have character sketches that have nothing going on their top half, but have an amazing pair of pants for no reason. Particularly getting the shoulder/neckline/clavicle relationship right is key to also making characters not look like androids.