Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Review of second day

In class on Jan. 27th we spoke in groups about the meaning of drawing, and what made a drawing successful. We started out with very loose definitions of drawing to the point where we found it difficult to even get a grasp on what we were talking about. While we all favored the idea of loose definition that would not limit the potential of and artist's ideas, we came up with this definition in order to create a framework from which we could further deviate.

Drawing is the skill of using a mark/marks to create a composition.

Now you could get into a similar discussion about the definition of composition, but we felt with this definition, it provided a structural base that could offer opportunities for hidden potential. An example of this would be asking "what defines the mark?" With the potential behind using any sort of mark one could conceive, an artists approach to drawing is actually quite free.

In my interpretation of "found drawing", I had a small amount of trouble trying to decide what it meant. For many others in the class, they understood there were no limits in what they could find. I specifically looked for situations in which I saw a relationship that spoke to my mind as canvas vs. media. In some of the more loose images, I defined this as the positive addition of several windmills against a seemingly empty sky. Likewise, I chose as one of my 2 more successful images, a waterfall which encompassed the idea of water as a media being drawn against the canvas of earth.

I also selected an image of paint peeling off of the wood of a cabinet. This idea was interesting to me because in a way it symbolized the creation of a new drawing from the deterioration and removal of an aging media.
While these two images may not be the best photographed, or most striking of the images on my flickr, I think they were the most interesting conceptually when it comes to my idea of the assignment. That said, looking at the choices of the other students has given me ideas on how I would approach this differently if it were assigned again.

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