Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Recap for Thursday, Feb. 5th

Today was the day to discuss our ideas for our first project, and go over it with our group members etc.

My initial idea for the project is to answer the question "What does the viewer's mind see in a drawing?" It's a complex idea that explores exactly what gaps in a drawing the human mind is willing to fill out. An example of this idea is one of the works of the artist Magritte.

The caption in this image says "This is not a pipe." Rather it's a painting of a pipe. The purpose of my drawing will be to explore at what point a viewer makes the connection between a series of marks, and whatever those marks represent. For example, in many animated cartoons, we can see several different ways to represent human faces that is quite different than a realistic drawing of a face. What connections are required to cross that gap between real and unreal? At what point can it no longer be understood what is being seen?

Hopefully these thoughts will guide me to an interesting answer within my drawing project.

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